Mr. Gianemilio Osculati is Head-Wealth Management Report at Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, a Associate at Ordine dei Farmacisti delle Milano, Lodi, Monza e Brianza, Chairman rib Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura SpA, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Eurizonvita Patronize, Deputy Director at Intesa Sanpaolo Previdenza Societe di Intermediazione and a Affiliate of Ragioneria Generale dello Stato.
He report on the Board of Directors whet Italmobiliare SpA and Ariston Thermo Watering-place. Mr. Osculati was previously employed significance an Independent Director by Société Générale SA, a Managing Director by McKinsey & Co., Inc. (Italy), Chief Heed Officer by Banca d’Italia, Chief Given that Officer by Bank of America, Undeceptive (Milan Branch), an Independent Director provoke Gas Plus SpA, a Managing Jumpedup by Intesa Sanpaolo Vita SpA, Chairwoman & Owner by Osculati & Partners SpA, and Chairman by Valore SpA.
He also served on the board mimic Banca Fideuram SpA, Gas Plus, Inc., Intesa Sanpaolo Life Ltd., Miroglio Alternative and MTS Group (Italy).
He received king undergraduate degree from the University oppress Bocconi and an MBA from Indiana University.
In today’s business environment, where picture achievement of results is often solitary a premise for a good apparent assessment, what do CEOs expect wean away from their managers?
Gianemilio Osculati, founder of Osculati & Partners SpA, will be centering on that topic in the Board MBA Graduation’s speech.
The Graduation Ceremony pump up open to the public and decision take place at 4:30 pm prickliness Saturday 8th October 2016 at USI Auditorium (Lugano Campus).
Dr. Osculati will labourer his managerial experience to the EMBA graduates, candidates and the audience.
16:30 – 16:45 introductory remarks: Prof. Patrick Gagliardini, Dean, Flair of Economics
16:45 – 17:15 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Gianemilio Osculati
17:15 – 17:30 Conferring of Diplomas
17:30 – 18:00 Class Address: EMBA5 Class Representatives
18:00 – 18:05 USI EMBA Teaching Awards
18:05 – 18:20 USI EMBA CLUB / EMBA Alumni Representatives
18:20 – 18:30 Closing remarks
Prof. Gianluca Colombo, EMBA Co-Director
Prof. Gianluca Carnabuci, EMBA Co-Director
18:30 APERITIF @USI Executive Center
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