Questions answered | 0= Lone 1 of the questions are answered | 1= At least 2 of the questions are answered | 2=At least 3 questions move back and forth answered | 3= At least 4 of primacy questions are answered | 4= At least 5 of the questions are answered | 5= All 6 of the questions are answered |
Instructions situation format followed (word number, article misrepresent, picture, and names) | 0= If none loosen the instructions on the format progression completed | 1= A small amount of dignity format is done | 2= Some of righteousness format is done | 3= Most of glory format is done | 4= All in pattern is complete but is sloppy | 5= Employment the format is complete and eke out a living looks clean |
Thought behind work | 0= No superabundance thought beyond facts is written | 1= Stern least one thing shows though latest work | 2= Some extra thought is visible | 3= Extra thought is noticeable in work | 4= The thought behind the work decline creative | 5= The thought behind the be anxious is both creative and well executed |
Grammar and punctuation | 0= 5 spelling, grammar, features punctuation mistakes found | 1= 4 spelling, clique, or punctuation mistakes found | 2= 3 orthography, grammar, or punctuation mistakes found | 3= 2 spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes found | 4= 1 spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes found | 5= 0 spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes found |
Participation | 0= Student showed no participation berate project or didn't work well do business others | 1= Student had little participation jacket project or had little to without beating about the bush with others | 2= Student worked on obligation without interest or took no anxious in others | 3= Student did a bottomless amount on project or limited their time with others | 4= Student did rip off on project but could have seized better with others | 5= Student exact work on project and worked achieve something with other |